Biliaderis Costas Emeritus Professor

Costas G. Biliaderis is an Emeritus Professor in the Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece. He received his Bachelor’s degree from Aristotle University (1975), his M.Sc. (1978) and Ph.D. (1980) degrees from University of Saskatchewan, Canada, and he has held appointments as a research associate with the National Research Council of Canada (1980-81), a project chemist with Kraft-General Foods, Inc. (1984-85), an Associate Professor with the University of Manitoba, Canada (1985-1993) and a visiting Professor with the Cyprus University of Technology (2010). He has been also an Adjunct Professor with the University of Guelph, Canada (1985-87), as well as an invited Professor in the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania – CIHEAM (Chania, Crete, Greece, 1994-2023), Dept. of Nutrition and Dietetics, Harokopio University of Athens (2007-2016), and Dept. of Chemistry, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (2023, 2024), giving lectures in the graduate programs of these Academic Institutions.  He served as Chairman of the Dept. of Food Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2002-06 & 2014-18). He was an Associate Editor of the Journal ‘Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fiber’ and a current or former member of the editorial board of four scientific journals (Carbohydrate Polymers; Journal of Food Protection; International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition; Journal of Future Foods). He is the author and co-author of more than 260 research journal articles (Web of Science) and 20 book chapters in the broad area of food chemistry and physical chemistry of food systems, food processing, cereal science and technology, with a focus on ‘structure-function relationships of food constituents’ in model systems or real food products, as well as the co-editor of a book entitled “Functional Food Carbohydrates” published by CRC Press (2007). Throughout his academic career, he supervised eight and co-supervised two doctoral, as well as more than 35 M.Sc. theses (all research type) and ten post-doctoral fellows, and served as an invited external examiner of 23 doctoral theses in several foreign Universities. Dr. Biliaderis has more than 300 presentations in International Conferences and Workshops, including 65 invited talks-lectures (foreign and domestic universities, institutions and international meetings), and participated as faculty in many short courses organized internationally. He has served as member in several international panels for evaluation of research proposals (Canada, EU, Qatar, Italy, Poland, etc.) and acted as chairman/co-chairman or member of the scientific committee of more than fifteen international conferences. His current research interests include the chemistry and physical chemistry of polymeric food carbohydrates (plant and microbial origin), thermal analysis of food constituents and thermophysical properties of polysaccharide blends, processing and storage effects on texture and stability of food products (e.g., baked products) and their constituents, the physical chemistry and properties of food dispersions (o/w) with engineered interfaces, structured delivery systems, functional foods and nutraceuticals (product design and stability issues of food bioactives) as well as valorization of residues-waste from the agricultural and food industries in the context of environmental management and circular economy. He has directed more than thirty-five research projects funded by National and International institutions as well as various food industries, and served as a member of the Functional Food and Nutraceutical Advisory Board, Forbes Medi-Tech. Inc., Vancouver, BC, Canada (1998-2006). He has been a member of the Scientific Committee of the Hellenic Food Authority (EFET, 2001-2004), Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI, 2017-2021), and member of the Research Advisory Board of the National Agricultural Research Foundation (N.AG.RE.F., 1998-2004). He is currently a member of the scientific advisory board of the Dept. of Food Science and Technology, Univ. of Western Attica, 2022-2026. Dr. Biliaderis was named as ‘highly cited researcher’ by ISI-Thomson Scientific (in 2003), with more than 17000 citations (Web of Science) for his published research works (h-index 79, Web of Science, Μay 2024), and received several awards for his achievements in research, teaching, and scholarly works: Univ. of Manitoba, Aristotle University, Purdue University (, Food Hydrocolloids Trust, UK (, etc.


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Last update, Μay 2024


Laboratory of Food Chemistry – Biochemistry, Dept. of Food Science & Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Environment, Aristotle University, P.O. Box 235, Thessaloniki, Greece 541 24


Ιδιότητα: Professor 

Ειδικότητα: Food Chemistry - Food Physics 

Τηλέφωνο: 0030 2310 991797 (office) & 0030 2310 991716 


Laboratory of Food Chemistry – Biochemistry, Dept. of Food Science & Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Environment, Aristotle University, P.O. Box 235, Thessaloniki, Greece 541 24


Status: Professor 

Specialty: Food Chemistry - Food Physics 

Telephone: 0030 2310 991797 (office) & 0030 2310 991716