Prof. Triantafyllos Roukas received the B.Sc. degree in Food Science and Technology (1978, School of Agriculture, Department of Food Science and Technology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) and in Chemistry (1982, Department of Chemistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki). He received the M.Sc. degree in Food Science and Microbiology (1987, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, U.K) and the Ph.D. degree in Food Biotechnology (1990, Department of Food Science and Technology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki). Dr. Roukas was Lecturer (1990-1993), Assistant Professor (1994-1997), and Associate Professor (1998-2001) at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Since 2002 he is Professor in Bioprocess Engineering at the Department of Food Science and Technology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He was Visiting Research Scientist in Institute of Beer Technology and Microbiology at the Technical University of Munich, Germany (06.1992–09.1992); Department of Chemical Engineering at the Technical University of Munich (06.1994–09.1994); and the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Washington, Seattle, USA (05.1997 – 09.1997). His main research interests include production of ethanol, organic acids, vitamins, polysaccharides, and enzymes from synthetic media and agro-industrial wastes by microorganisms in shake flask culture, stirred-tank reactor, and airlift reactor; production of chemicals by immobilized enzymes and cells; application of mathematical models to enhance carotene production by Blakeslea trispora in different fermentation systems; and role of hydrolytic enzymes and oxidative stress on carotene production by the fungus Blakeslea trispora. Dr. Roukas is the author and co-author of more than 70 research journal articles (Google Scholar), 2 patents, and author of 2 book chapters and 3 books in the broad area of Bioprocess Engineering and Biochemical Engineering. He has more than 2800 citations for his published works and h-index 33 (Google Scholar). His teaching activities include teaching in Bioprocess Engineering and Biochemical Engineering to the students of the Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
Εργαστήριο Επεξεργασίας και Μηχανικής Τροφίμων, Τομέας Επιστήμης & Τεχνολογίας Τροφίμων
Τμήμα Γεωπονίας, Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης, Τ.Κ. 541 24
Ιδιότητα: Professor
Ειδικότητα: Food Biotechnology
Τηλέφωνο: 2310991635
Email: roukas@agro.auth.gr
Εργαστήριο Επεξεργασίας και Μηχανικής Τροφίμων, Τομέας Επιστήμης & Τεχνολογίας Τροφίμων
Τμήμα Γεωπονίας, Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης, Τ.Κ. 541 24
Status: Professor
Specialty: Food Biotechnology
Telephone: 2310991635
Email: roukas@agro.auth.gr
CV: Curriculum vitae